I am documenting my weight loss goals and accomplishments and the methods I used to achieve the results you see.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Insanity Workout Day 24

Well, today makes 24 days straight that I have been doing the Insanity Program (workouts plus nutrition program).  It can be a little discouraging if I look at the scale alone, because whenever I tried to lose weight in the past, the weight just fell off.  I mean whenever I really tried...like I am now, it didn't take me long to see results. I must say that I have lost about 7 lbs..but that has been the same for the past couple of weeks.  I am actually eating better than I have during those other times and I am exercising more..so part of me thinks..."What gives?"  But as I think about it.  I am older now and also I am seeing the results in other areas, such as the measuring tape.  The tape doesn't lie.  I have lost about 1.5 inches off my waist, 1.5 inches off my chest and 1 inch off my thighs.  So I am seeing improvement.  I have also noticed that I have had to tighten my belt some more too.  So, all in all its not bad.  I just thought that I would have seen more by now.  Either way I will continue this journey to the 60 days and probably will repeat it until I reach my goals.

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