I started this blog really late in the process. I have already lost 43 pounds. I wanted to put this blog up to document my weight loss experience. This is mainly for those with whom I want to share my progress with. The picture to the left is me on February 9, 2007.
I will be quite open here. I was about 295 pounds here. I will put the picture I took of myself when I first decided to start to lose weight up later.
I had previously lost weight before, quite easily actually. When I was in high school I played football as an offensive lineman Starting Left Tackle for Baltimore Polytechnic Institute (the Poly Engineers; when we were dominant in the area..we went 9-1 that year..1986..Go Engineers!) Anyway, I was listed as 318 pounds in the books. After I graduated from high school, I didn't play football anymore but I kept the weight..for 2 more years after high school..into my sophomore year in college. Thats when I decided enough was enough and my uncle agreed to pay the cost for me to do NutiSystem (it was $600 at the time..wow thats a lot of money for a weight loss program) Anyway, he paid for it and I am the kind of person, that if I have a routine and clear actions on what I need to do to succeed, and I believe I can succeed..lookout. So needless to say, I stuck with the program exactly like the nutritionist said. We had a weekly weigh-in..and to be quite honest..that is probably the one factor that helped me stick to it the best. I am extremely competitive and I like to win. So I didn't want to weigh in each week and have my weight not go down. I wasn't so much in competition with everyone else..but I didn't want to be seen (ala the weigh-in) as having gone off the diet. So I stuck to it exactly. So within that year, I lost about 100 pounds. So that set the precedent for my belief that anytime I really wanted to..I could lose weight. I kept most of the weight off for about 7 years. Then gradually it crept back up to about 240 lbs in 1996 when I got married. After that, I didn't pay attention to what I ate..and I had less exercise than I did while walking across the college campus and participating in Intramural sports. So while I was in college and graduate school.. I was quite active. After I started working ..not so active. Which wasn't good, since I ate anything I wanted and didn't pay attention to it.
I had participated in a weight loss competition at work and lost 20 lbs in about 2 months, but that gradually crept back up again. So there I was on February 9, 2007, meeting with some friends and classmates from my elementary school 6th grade class and I looked at the picture above and realized I need to do something...But like my complacent self , I didn't do anything yet. It required a little competition to set me back on track. Some friends of mine and I decided that we were going to have a little competition..The winner would get a video game paid for by the other two...That is all I needed to hear..Competition..The chance to win...plus a free video game...I knew it would be mine. So needless to say that is when I started this current journey. March 27, 2007 is when I actively started to lose weight.

Here is a more recent picture of me on June 22, 2007. I lost about 31 pounds at that point.

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